Monday, January 23, 2012

Life and Death

So, a lot has been going on lately and I've just been too lazy and too busy to record it on this here blog. I'm back in school and have completed my first day of classes; I went to a leadership conference (of which I want to write a whole blog post about), and an interesting scheme of events has occurred with a good friend of mine. I will try my best to put all of these events into summation as best as I can.

About the first day of classes--the classes I attended today were American Realism/Naturalism (Literature), and Social Thantanology. The funny thing about the sociology course is that it connects to my friend. But I'll get to that later. Anywho, even though the literature course is upper division, I feel that it is going to be pretty easy and fun. But don't count me on that, the professor sometimes throws a curveball and the course material gets harder. Even so, I think I'll enjoy it. Here's a funny fact--out of the fifteen people in this class, three of them are pregnant women. I think it's interesting, but I don't know what else to say about it.

As for Thantanology, it was just overwhelming, what with my other issues going on. The professor is a distinguished guy who founded the county's hospice program, and pretty much the area's expert on death, dying, and hospice in sociology and in other aspects. So he had a lot to say, even for the first class. I do have to mention that this class only meets once a week for three hours, which is a first for me. After the class, the professor asked for me and told me some much needed information about my friend.

One of my followers, Lauren, has a close friend named Bill. Funnily enough, so do I. He's an interesting character, my friend Bill. After I started to get to know him, it felt like Bill had walked out of a novel and into my life. Everything I have done with Bill and everything that has happened with him is unreal enough to be a part of a story. This feeling runs so deep that I feel that perhaps someday I will write a novel/novella/short story(s) loosely based on Bill and the misadventures I have had with him. The thing that makes our friendship interesting is that he is my father's age. That huge age difference has given me stares and accusations that my friend is a pedophile. That is not true.

Recently, Bill went missing. By missing, I mean I did not hear from him for several weeks, and when I tried to contact him, I could not get a hold of him. Naturally, I was worried and feared the worst. Thanks to my professor and a clerk at the college library, my worst fears are over. I do know he is okay, and something really bad did happen to him, but I'm not sure of much else. I desperately hope that I will be able to see him soon, which is what my friends did promise me.

Also, I sent some postcards out to Belarus and the Netherlands today with Postcrossing. I hope I get some back soon.

1 comment:

  1. If you ever feel like blogging about Social Thantanology, I want to hear about it. I can't get over how fascinating it sounds.

    Yeah, my Bill is pretty much the exact same way - I doubt I could write an entire book around him, but I do write about him a lot. Maybe it's a "Bill" thing?

    Tara dragged you into Postcrossing too eh? XD
