Thursday, January 5, 2012


So I've been on winter break for what seems like an eternity. Surprisingly, I'm not getting that restless, and a pattern of living at home has actually emerged. I guess the hell that was last semester has made me wary of further academic ventures. Of course, myself and all college students will be returning to school in a few weeks.

Sometimes, I wonder about all of the social norms behind college, such as dorms and whatnot and wonder why they exist. After all, most people I have talked to, as well as my experiences, have told me that dormitory living is just awful and not really the best idea. I've experienced roommates who have treated me like crap behind my back, as well as one who didn't tell me what I was doing wrong before she moved out. Honestly, if I'm doing something wrong, tell me and I'll try to fix it! I know I have my faults, but if you give me a gentle reminder (like my current roommate, she is a godsend for putting up with me), and I will stop doing the things that annoy you.

Sorry about that rant. I guess I have too much time on my hands to really do anything but think. However, early next week I'll be heading on the bus (oh joy, buses, I'll be sure to blog about that) to go to my boyfriend's. I haven't seen him for a month... It should be interesting.

Some other things I have been doing with my time include playing video games! (I play Playstation 2 games) I should be playing Final Fantasy X; after all, my boyfriend lent it to me three months ago... Embarrassment... But I recently acquired a game called "The Shadow of the Colossus". It's kind of old (2005), but the graphics are great. You basically have to ride on your horse and kill gigantic monsters called colossi to bring your girlfriend back from the dead. It's actually better than it sounds, really. If I ever finish the game, I will write and post a review for it.

I have also been latchhooking a rug. What is latchhook, you may ask? You take a tool and some yarn and hook it into a canvas to make different patterns. They sell latchhook kits online and in craft stores. It's quite fun actually.

The one I am doing right now is of a tiger. That is what I have done so far on the right. The canvas for this kit is 15x20, so I am assuming it will be put on a wall when I am finished it. I am actually doing this kit for my boyfriend's mother, but I don't know if it will be finished before I come over to visit... I hope so... If not, I will have to give it to her another time, probably later in the upcoming semester (sometimes I go to visit on the weekends).

I suppose I won't have as much time to do this sort of thing when I get back to school, so I think I should enjoy it while I can. This intermittent period has really done good things for me, I think. I've been suffering from burnout for some time now, and these weeks were exactly what I needed to cool off and mentally ready myself for next semester. I did learn my limits and how far I could push myself academically, so it's all been good.

One more thing. I have decided to make this blog an "every other day" blog instead of a couple times a week. I've found I really love doing this blog. It's like the journal I could never write.

1 comment:

  1. I loved dorm living myself. I didn't like my first roommate, but next year was great.

    Shadow of the Colossus is AMAZING <3 I want to get the PS3 version sooo much. If you ever get the chance to play Ico (from the same team/ continuity), DO IT. Both are beautiful games - the lighting and ambiance is really special.
