Sunday, January 15, 2012

Classes and Ice Fishing

So I've just been thinking about school and whatnot a lot lately. I start classes next Monday, January 23rd. Thankfully I don't have a lot of classes, but those that I do have are pretty intimidating. The classes I am taking this semester are Creative Writing, American Realism/Naturalism (Literature course), Contemporary Social Problems (Sociology), Social Thantology (Sociology), a tutoring course so I can get a job at the writing center, and an internship.

The internship in question is training to be a "Wellness Advocate". A Wellness Advocate, or WA, as they are called, are student counselors, basically. Once you complete training, you are on call, just like a RA (Resident Assistant), and you basically counsel people with serious problems. So the whole semester of training I suppose is necessary. Like an RA, you have to apply for the position, and an interview was also necessary. Seeing as I filled out the application the night before it was due, I was surprised I was accepted into the all. But I'm glad I did, and I'm really excited about the training. I'm hoping to possibly make a few friends during the program, and it's probably the thing I'm most excited about this coming semester.

The classes I'm not so excited about. The literature course is going to be difficult because it's an upper division class, and not only that, it's taught by one of the most hard-ass professors in the English department. The professor is great, but the workload is ridiculous with her classes. The thantology class is the sociology of death and dying. I'm extremely nervous about that; I've never experienced death, and we're going to be talking about dead people all semester. Heck, one of the books I had to buy is called "How We Die". I mean, how depressing is that? Most of my classes are intimidating, but hopefully the creative writing course is a good decision and worth my time.

In other news, my boyfriend's family is going to go ice fishing tomorrow, and I'm going with him and his family. His family are avid ice fishers. In fact, I remember his mother lamenting over the summer how much she wished it was winter so she could go ice fishing... Their enthusiasm for ice fishing still baffles me. How can you have fun sitting in the freezing cold on ice? I have no idea. Apparently with Christopher's family, ice fishing is a sunrise to sunset ordeal, so I'll be gone all day tomorrow.

I honestly do not know if I will enjoy it. However, I have enjoyed out-fishing both of the boyfriends I have had, respectively, so I'm willing to give it a try. I'm kind of excited about where we are fishing. According to Christopher, we will be fishing at Wellesley Island on the Lake of the Isles. Yeah, that's about five to ten minutes from the Canadian side of Wellesley Island. Pretty cool. I will write a blog post soon about this adventure, hopefully with photos and lots of fun details.


  1. Okay, Social Thantology sounds like the most awesome class ever. Where do I get one of those courses? XD

    1. I am nervous, but it does sound pretty cool, doesn't it? At my school, I'm pretty sure it's for sociology majors only, though I'm not entirely sure. :)
