Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Week in Review

It's really late at night; the clock reads 12:35 am. I should have been in bed an hour ago. But I just want to write. I want to write about the previous week and how interesting it was.

About my friend Bill--I did find out about him, and I found out (most) of the whole story about what happened, thanks to a couple sociology professors and a library clerk. However, due to the whole fragility of the situation my friend is in, I can't disclose what happened to him on the interwebs. But I do know that he's alright and I did talk to him on the phone. ...I just miss him a lot. I just keep expecting him to be around, and the fact that he's not lurking around campus like he always used to seems out of place. It has been one of the things lurking in my mind, and I have been thinking about my friend often. I hope I can see him soon and he comes back sooner than later.

I'm not sure if I should be doing book reviews on old classic novels I have to read for my American Realism literature class, but when I'm finished reading Washington Square, by Henry James, I think I will do a review. I've actually been reading it instead of skimming it, and I've found that it's not that bad at all. I really think I'm going to enjoy this class.

Speaking of classes, the books I've been having to read for Thanatology have been really interesting. Lauren seemed really enthusiastic that I was taking such a course about the sociology of death, and honestly she is one of the few that do. Most of the people I mention this class to have the following reaction... "Oh, that's cool!" *INSTANTLY changes the subject*. Even though the subject is really touchy and actually kind of depressing, I think I will devote an entire blog post about the subject and the class tomorrow.

I am simple going to mention one more thing before I head off to bed, and it is that I randomly watched Toy Story 3 this weekend. I absolutely loved it. Coming from the girl who watched Toy Story 2 very repetitively, this was kind of a no-brainer. But I loved it just the same. It had a lot of elements that differentiated this film from the other two, and it was those differences that made the film worthwhile and positively spectacular. Not only that, but this movie closed the fantastic story that the first began, with a happy, bittersweet ending. Watching this made my pretty awesome weekend even better.

That being said, here's to another week.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing about that class :D

    I never got into Toy Story. I didn't like the first one that much though I've heard nothing but fantastic things about number three.
