Sunday, January 1, 2012

Beginning the New Year

For years I have tried so hard to write in a physical journal, looking up to my twin sister, who often writes in a journal and has been since we were in middle school. However, to my frustration, many notebooks and hardcover journals were left unfinished. Only small bits of prose and my thoughts could be written in them, for I have always felt that my words look stupid on paper. A silly thought, I know, but I am sure I am not the only person who has thought this.

But now with the internet and all of the obvious luxuries that it has to offer us, I will try blogging. (Plus, I am a semi-fast typist, so I suppose I can get my words on the "page" faster). Funnily enough, this whole "blog for the New Year" idea was my sister's as well. A fantastic idea, one that I probably wouldn't have thought of myself.


So begins 2012. The year that everyone seems to think will end life on this planet as we know it. Well, all I have to say about that is the whole "apocalypse" prediction is the biggest line of crap I have ever heard of. No one knows when the world is going to end. Why fret about it? Fret instead about the election in November, where the fate of America will rest when the next person becomes President.

Anyways, I personally have a lot of goals set up for this year... "What?" you may ask? "You don't make resolutions?" The reason I do not make resolutions is because 1. I never make any attainable resolutions; and 2. I never keep them. So my theory is to stick with goals, because I nearly always stick to my goals and achieve them, even if I have to try, try again.

As I said, I have many goals planned out (haven't written them down yet, but I will) for 2012, and you will surely hear about them as the weeks and months continue. I plan on updating this twice a week at least--more if I am comfortable with it.

This blog will be a testament to my writing skills--for although I am an English major at college and consider myself a writer, I don't write as much as I should. To be honest, I don't have a lot of motivation, and I get distracted easily by lots of different things. So this blog will be a commitment to me--let's see if I can keep it

1 comment:

  1. It's fairly easy if you just commit to it :D The most difficult part is remembering "oh yeah, I need to post something today."
