Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Again, it's been a long time since I've written in this blog. Finals week was very stressful, but that has been over for a couple of weeks now, and now I'm officially a junior in college. Yup, a junior in college. When did that happen? Another school year has passed me by, and I've been on summer break for about a week or so.

So my plans for this summer include (trying) to get a job. Also on the to-do list is getting my creative juices flowing, as well as catching up on things I usually don't have time to do--like reading, playing video games, and watching movies. To those who actually read this blog, if you have any suggestions about any awesome games/books/movies you have watched/played/read, please let me know and I'll check them out.

The job search has been moot so far. I have went on several trips to go job hunting, and it turns out that very few places in town are actually hiring. I filled out a few applications (I fear in vain), but the reply I kept on getting was "No, we're not hiring. Do you want to fill out an application?" There's no point in filling out an application if you guys aren't hiring. This is only a summer job... Anyways, I suppose that this is a testament to the fact that the economy still really hasn't recovered since 2008. If I don't get a job, it won't be the end of the world, but it would certainly be a good thing.

In other news, I've been trying to re-read the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and of course it's proving as difficult as the first time (as I have only read in full the first novel in the trilogy). My boyfriend gave me the whole set as a gift (his attention span couldn't handle the dry, boring parts of LOTR), and I've been trying to tackle the novels ever since. My favorite character is either Frodo or Gandalf, I can never choose. Gandalf is awesome in his mysterious superiority, but Frodo is the real hero of the series.

Also going to read some manga this summer. Got out some InuYasha and Full Metal Alchemist from the library today. I have read FMA before, but that was a few years ago, and it will be fun to re-read it again. I remember that it does get darker and more sadistic as the series goes on, but the awesome art and main characters mostly stay the same.

As for my creative side of things, I plan on working on some new comics with my sister, as well as working on my characters, Victor and Oliver. If you don't remember them, I did place an excerpt from a practice concept that I had here. It's very hard to develop Victor because he originally was a dark hero. Then, coming to a realization, I split Victor into two characters--the original Victor is now a bona-fide evil, evil, antagonist. The character that split off, Oliver, is now the light hero. Of course, coupled with my sister's characters (Jelar, a vampire, Celia, the former lover of Victor, and others), we plan to write several stories, or even perhaps a novel together. That will be fun, and I'll keep you posted on that.

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty much my experience with job applications as well :/
