Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Game Review--Blackwell Legacy

Hello, all those in the blogosphere! I have for you all today a game review on the first game in a series--the indie PC game series known as the Blackwell series. Being extremely bored over March break, I bought the whole series on Steam. I have NOT regretted it--I fell in LOVE with the series, and just finished the last game a few days ago (having stayed up until 2 am to finish said game). So as I review the four games in the series, I will post the reviews here as well as on deviantart. So, the first game in the series: Blackwell Legacy.

Awesome game, of course. Having seen the Youtube trailer for the game before buying the bundle, I was expecting a lot. And I got everything I expected, and more.

Summary: Rosangela Blackwell, a young freelance writer living in present day New York City, makes a startling discovery after her aunt's death. The appearance of her spirit guide, Joey Mallone, makes Rosa aware of the fact that she is part of a family legacy of mediums. With Joey's help, Rosa solves the mystery of a teen suicide.

Art/Graphics/Music: The graphics in this game are what can only be called as “retro”--they give the player a classic feel while playing the game. There are portraits for each character while they are speaking, and the art for those portraits is done very well. The music for this game (in fact, for the whole series), is a jazz type music, which is suitable for the dark themes that keep popping up in the storyline. Overall, the graphics, art, and music for this game were done extremely well for an independent company, and there are few glitches to be found in the game.

Plot/Storyline/Characterization: The Blackwell series is mostly plot-focused, so I won't be revealing too much of the plot in these reviews (to minimize spoilers). However, the plot and the storyline of this game was very smooth, the transitions in the plot line not too slow. The plot was fast at times, but as this was the first game, I was not too insulted by that. The characters in the game were very thought out and very well characterized. I immediately fell in love with the character of Joey; his wit, sarcastic charm, and mysteriousness gave the game some much-needed humor. Rosa, too, is an essential, unique character that is the center of the plot and has plenty of focus throughout the game—after all, she is the only character you can control (in this first game, anyway). Even the minor characters of Rosa's next door neighbor and the people she interviews at the college were not unnecessary at all and gave the storyline what it needed to be a very good game.

I did not find very many cons to this first game; however, if there was one thing I could improve on Blackwell Legacy it would be to just add a little more game play to the end of the game, perhaps include one more puzzle to solve for Rosa and Joey. However, perhaps this is what the producer intended—for the reader to be begging for more adventures.

Also a kudos to the voice actors—they really personified the game in a way I would have never thought possible. They did a really good job and this game series wouldn't be half as good without them.
Overall Themes: Death, suicide, afterlife, college experiences, loss.

Extras: Two commentaries by David Gilbert can be activated while playing the game. However, this is not advised while playing the game the first time, as spoilers are revealed.

Conclusion: Overall, “Blackwell Legacy” was a really fun game to play and is a great beginning to a nicely thought out video game series. The retro style and some of the themes of the game may not appeal to some players. However, as this game is classified as “indie,” it is expected that only a certain niche of gamers would enjoy this. The storyline, characterization, and music of this game is overall appealing, and generally leaves the player wanting a sequel.

Publisher and Developer: WadjetEye Games
Designer/Producer: David Gilbert
Format: PC
Type of Game: Indie/Graphic Adventure/Point-and-Click
Release Date: December 23, 2006
Voice Acting: Abe Goldfarb, Sande Chen

Also, the trailer for the whole gaming series, which I advise to watch:

Have a good one, everybody!

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