Friday, June 1, 2012

Possible Job and an Injury

As I said in my last blog post, I have been very very gung-ho about getting a job for the summer. I've applied online, I've harassed nearly every store employee, I've went door to door. Until yesterday, however, I was quite dejected because nearly no one is hiring and I was practically at the end of my rope patience wise. Then I received a phone call requesting an interview for a job at the gas station a little bit out of town. I went to the interview, and it sounds very promising.

Now about the injury that I mentioned in the title--the day before yesterday, I sprained my ankle riding my bicycle. I wasn't being very smart on my bike, but I suppose I got what I deserved after all. Of course, that didn't look very good at the job interview--despite being presentable clothing-wise, I was on crutches, and she did ask about it. However, there isn't much I can do. If I get the job, that will be awesome and I will be able to FINALLY say, "I worked this summer," when people always ask that question, "So, what did YOU do this summer? (expecting a miraculous answer)" If not, I'll keep on trying. I won't give up on a job for a while; after all, my experience working at food service during the school year looks good and I can say how awesome I was dealing with nasty, impatient people on a regular basis.

I remember vividly how rude my fellow students were to me when I was making them sub sandwiches; the snide glares, the stuck-up air... I am not ashamed at working food service. I have to work somewhere. What really makes me mad is when people complain to me, "I can't find any part-time job anywhere!!" I reply, "Why not work at PACES? It's better than nothing." At that point, they metaphorically stick their nose up and say, "PACES? Ew, I would never work there." The conversation peters off, and I am standing there thinking, You're just not desperate enough.

Random, needful rant over, I guess that's all I have for today. I suppose there is one more thing I could mention...

I now know how to knit AND crochet. Having been personally taught how to knit, I took it on myself to learn crocheting... Crochet for Dummies, did its job fairly well. Unlike a person, a book has unlimited patience... That is in all jest, of course. I would take people over books any day.

That being said, once I get better at crocheting/knitting, I want to try my hand at anigurumi... There are many books on that in the library, but that's going to wait until I'm fairly decent at crocheting.

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