Thursday, March 29, 2012

Life and a Game Recommendation

Didn't really know what to title this thing, so I just decided to come up with some lame-o title.

Of course, my life has gotten increasingly busy (as usual), what with work, classes, clubs, and the crunch that everyone is feeling as the end of the semester starts to catch up on everyone. I barely have time to breathe at the end of the day--especially yesterday, when the student government had to pass their budget.

Apparently, the college student government budget is a horrid, enormous thing that happens once a year in March. It gives the funding to all of the clubs from our Student Activity Fee. Then the members of student govt (treasurers of clubs and representatives from the dorms) vote on every single club's budget. It took seven hours over two days to pass the budget. There was a lot of tension, and as I have never been a part of student government, this was a surprise and a half. I still have a headache from part two, that happened today.

I'm actually surprised I have half a second to write in this blog. It truly has been quite insane, especially with my plans for this summer, which are continuing to loom over me kind of like a dark cloud. If they are implemented, I will probably write a whole separate blog on the events surrounding it. But for now, since these plans are not in solid stone and may change, I think I'm going to keep it under wraps for now.

I do have one awesome thing to discuss though. Over my Spring break (a couple weeks ago), I was really bored and looking for games on Steam. While looking for good adventure/RPG games (my favorite), I stumbled upon the Blackwell series. Although this series has so-so for graphics, I instantly fell in love with the characters and the storyline. You can find a trailer for the whole game series here. The trailer is just as awesome as the games, but the series is so intense. I'll probably have a review once I finish all of the games. I'm on game number three now, so be sure to watch out for that soon.

Until next time, also known as when I have some free time to write about my life.

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