Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Tumultuous Month

Again, I have the hugest problem keeping this updated--mostly for my own entertainment, of course, as few people read this blog.

Two weeks until the end of the semester--next week is the last week of classes, and right after that is finals week. Last week, of course, was Thanksgiving break; that was spent at my roommate's house. It was a lovely break--from the internet as well as the hectic life I usually encounter. Of course, it went right back to that at the beginning of this week, but I'm not complaining. The end is in sight, followed by five weeks of hopping around different places for break and hopefully recharging and reading, knitting, and writing lots. 

I just finished my research proposal for my Research Methods class--it's given me quite the headache, but I'm very glad I'm done with it. I desperately hope I did a good job, as the professor was pretty vague about the whole project (pretty frightening, seeing how this project is 40% of the grade in the class).

Regarding my other subjects, I think I'm doing a fairly good job. Reading Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, in my Sociology of Gender class, was a real treat. It's a graphic novel about a young girl growing up in Iran during the time of the Iranian Revolution and the Iran-Iraq War, her move to Austria, and her return to Iran. This graphic novel gave me a lot of insight regarding this important piece of Middle Eastern history that still affects the Middle East to this day. I may write a review on this graphic novel--either way, I highly recommend this book.

We've also been reading a lot of really interesting novels (although I digress, I didn't have time to read them as thoroughly as I hoped) in my Contemporary British Literature class. Due to the class size and my professor's overall awesomeness, she told us our final would be meeting at the local pizza place instead of meeting at the designated classroom. Of course, we still have to turn in our final papers at that time, but I think that this is personally pretty cool.

Concerning Postcrossing, I have received and sent a great many postcards this month. I won't be posting any postcards today, due to the fact that I am tired and I don't want to scan some of them in. But trust me on this one, some of them are very cute as well as amazing.

I've had this blog for nearly a year now; I haven't used it as often as I wanted to, but that's life I guess. Once Winter Break rolls around I'll have a lot more free time to write blog posts, and reviews, as well as doing some reading and knitting.

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