Thursday, October 18, 2012

Autumn Ponderings

The season of autumn is still prevalent here--the colors are starting to fade, but there is still beauty in the trees and in the scent. In fact, the past couple of days have been extremely mild, and I'm pretty sure it hit 70 here today.

The paper I was talking about last week; I finally finished it. I completed it the night before it was due, and though I thought I would never get it done, I did. That was the probably the most challenging thing I have ever written before and it caused me a lot of stress. I have to write another paper similar to it at the end of the semester, but I'm not worried about it because I'll have a structure to borrow off of. We're reading some really interesting books in this class--I'm thinking of reviewing one of them for this blog if I ever get the time.

I'm pretty excited about Halloween and similar festivities--I decided to do a quick throw together costume and be a vampire. One of these years I would like to sit down and actually do a elaborate costume but I don't see when that would happen. Last year I dressed up as a scarecrow and it looked great. I'm carving pumpkins a couple of times and might just be daring enough to go to my campus's annual midnight showing/re-enactment of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It's something the campus does every year, but I've never went because I've heard stories about people wearing negligible amounts of clothing and a lot of sexual implications. But I think I might as well give it a shot and leave if things get too awkward.

Also, with every post I figured I would showcase three postcards from Postcrossing. Maybe some of these more frequented blog posts will lack postcards, but I think it's something I would like to do on a general basis. There will probably be a theme every week as well.

This Week's Spotlight is postcards from Germany!

Through Postcrossing, I get many postcards from Germany. Some of my most favorite postcards come from there, and as I have always wanted to learn German, I am a bit impartial to cards from there. I specifically chose three with German on them because I think it's pretty awesome.

Received October 2012, Dortmund, Germany
This has become one of my personal favorites, not just because of the kitten and the tortoise (which is a sure winner in my book), but because of the German on the postcard. This kind of reminded me of an American photo one would put on their wall as a poster (minus the German).
The English translation is crappy due to Google Translate's suckiness, but it basically says happiness is a friend who can help you out when times are tough.

Received August 2012, Nordhorn, Germany

I laughed when I received this one. Google translated the German as "Prince Charming is waiting!" I thought it was pretty hilarious and I enjoyed it. Out of the frog cards I have received, this one is probably the funniest. By the way, it is actually white, not brown; that's the lighting on the card when I took the picture.

Received June 2012, Wilhemshaven, Germany
Another one of my all-time favorite cards, the German on this one translates to something about running birds? I'm not sure. At any rate, it looks pretty awesome. I get a lot of bird and frog cards because I ask for them, and I really think that this is one of the nicest ones I have.
I've never actually been to a beach or the sea, so getting one with water on it also reminds me I've got to visit a beach sooner or later!

Even though this week has been stressful, I've eliminated most of it by spending time with friends and enjoying myself. After all, isn't that what college is for?

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