Wednesday, August 29, 2012

We Now Continue Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

Following my lack of blog posts this summer, we now continue with our regularly scheduled programming. Also known as rambling on about things that interest me, and hopefully interest the literature buffs/students such as myself out there.

Classes have begun this week, preceded by several things, which I will describe in a small amount of detail. My job at Wal-Mart ended the second week of August. The strange thing about that was that a part of me was sad to go. Of course, that kind of job is physically tasking as well of mental, and although I learned a lot, it is not something I want to do as a career. I could say more about what I think about Wal-Mart, but I'm not going to speak out against it.

The week before classes started (last week) I attended a leadership conference through the college; mostly aimed towards "student leaders" in charge or putting together student organizations on campus. I learned a great deal from the conference--honestly more than I thought I would. As I said, there was a lot of emphasis on how to keep a club or organization together; the subjects discussed were recruitment, event planning, and knowing how to keep the leadership going after you graduate. I attended all of the recruitment ones, because my friend and I are desperately trying to keep the campus's English club staying afloat. That will be a challenge this semester.

Speaking of campus and academics, I'm taking several classes that I'm really excited about. I'm taking three sociology classes; sociology of gender, individual and society, and research methods. All three of these classes seem pretty promising, and I'm enthusiastic about them. But the two classes that I'm really excited about are Journalism and Contemporary British Literature. I have a feeling I've already fell in love with both of the professors. The professor for Journalism is brand new to the college and to the area, but she has a really great, friendly attitude about everything. I think I'm going to really like her class. As for Contemporary British Literature, the professor is crazy. But the awesome kind of crazy. A lot of English professors and teachers have this kind of crazy, where you think, "You are weird but awesome! Where can I sign up?!" Those are my favorite professors--those not afraid to speak their minds.

So, in conclusion, I am pretty pumped for everything that is going on in my life.

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