Sunday, February 12, 2012

What A Week and New Words

Just... wow. What a week. I really can't explain my life in explicit detail right now, because a huge chunk of it is personal. But here is something that happened that I can divulge: 

The link will lead you to a news story about how on my boyfriend's campus, his science building practically exploded, preventing him from going to classes for a week or more. Unfortunately, he was at my campus at the time, so he is practically without any belongings until he gets back to campus next weekend. So yeah, these past few days have been mind-blowing, just to say the least.

In other news, I had to read a scholarly article for a paper I was doing. Of course, there were so many words that I didn't even understand and I had to go to the Oxford English Dictionary and define them. Also I will include some words that I defined from the novel A Hazard of New Fortunes, by William Dean Howells. It's a long novel, but it's pretty good so far. That book is also for my Literature class. Here are some of the defined words:

Diatribes: Bitter criticism
Quixotic: Ideal, (referring to Romanticism in the novel)
Lacuna: Missing part of something
De-legitimation: Taking away legitimacy
Duplicity: Acting in two ways at different times
Aphonia: Unable to speak

Thanks to Lauren for giving me this idea. :)

1 comment:

  1. The Oxford English Dictionary. Word.

    My friend has a GIANT reference Oxford English Dictionary...she brought it out during our study last week to look up a concept. I want to get a better dictionary - not necessarily something like that, but something better than the one I bought from the dollar store.

    I miss you.
